Irish Muslim Council

As salaamu alaikum wwb,

For Muslims, the month of Ramadan serves as a season of spiritual renewal and gratitude for the bounties bestowed upon all human beings. It is a month in which families become closer, communities strengthen their foundations and individuals reaffirm their spiritual roots.

In a recent research conducted by Amárach Research , it was found that one in four Irish have a negative perception about Islam and Muslims are regarded as the least integrated in the Irish society. The findings of the research were presented in a national integration conference on the 30th April 2015 in which I participated representing the Irish Muslim Community.

For these reasons, IMPIC is calling on Irish Muslim communities to take time in the month of Ramadan to reach out to their neighbours of other faiths and traditions in a wonderful nationwide initiative titled “Community Iftar.”

The Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ opened the door of Masjid Nabawi to a Christian delegation from Najran and hosted this delegation in His Mosque for 3 days. We would like to revive this Prophetic Sunnah in the Blessed month of Ramadan through the “Community Iftar” initiative.

Community Iftar is an annual campaign started by IMPIC to encourage local Muslim communities to host Iftar dinner receptions and open the Mosques for our neighbours of other traditions. Since sharing and appreciation are essential components of Ramadan, we hope Mosques and Muslim organisations will take this opportunity to invite their neighbours to join them for an Iftar meal.

We request that each community interested in hosting a Community Iftar responds to us and we will be happy to assist you in how to organise and publicise the Community Iftar in your own Mosque inshaa Allah.

Finally, on behalf of all of all members of IMPIC, I wish you a blessed Ramadan. May this month help reaffirm our spiritual commitment to our families, our communities and our world, Ameen.


Your brother in Islam,

Shaykh Muhammad Umar Al-Qadri

CEO Irish Muslim Peace & Integration Council (IMPIC)

Imam Al-Mustafa Islamic Centre Ireland