Irish Muslim Council

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Eid in Croke Park 2024 & Solidarity with Palestine

Dear Muslim Families in Ireland , Assalamu Alaikum wr wb ! Alhamdulillah the blessed month of Dhul Hijjah has started today on Friday 7th June 2024. These are 10 very sacred days in the Islamic calendar.  Millions of Muslims will be proclaiming Takbir and performing the Hajj this year in Makkah Mukarramah and the remaining Muslims will perform Eid Al Adha Prayer in their regions.  We invite you and your families and friends to come together this year for Eid Al-Adha Prayers and Eid Festival to Croke Park on the day fo Eid, Sunday 16th June 2024. After four successful Eid Prayers in Croke Park this year will be our fifth Eid in Croke Park, in sha Allah ! After the Eid Prayer which will be performed at 10:30AM, there will the Eid Festival with many stalls, henna, Halal food, face painting, children GAA games and much more !  We invite you and your families all to come together this year as One Ummah in Dublin and celebrate Eid together and make this a memorable Eid Al -Adha for you

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🌙✨ Eid Mubarak! ✨🌙

On this joyous occasion of Eid al-Fitr, 10th April 2024, the Irish Muslim Peace & Integration Council extends warm greetings and heartfelt prayers to all our brothers and sisters celebrating across Ireland and around the world. As we come together with family and friends to commemorate the end of Ramadan, let us also remember those who are facing immense challenges and hardship, particularly our beloved brothers and sisters in Gaza and Palestine. Our thoughts and prayers are with them during these difficult times. We fervently pray for peace, stability, and safety for the people of Gaza and Palestine. May the Almighty grant them strength, patience, and resilience to endure the trials they are facing. Let us join hands in invoking Allah’s mercy and blessings upon them, and may He bring an end to the suffering through a just and lasting ceasefire. As we exchange gifts, share meals, and celebrate the blessings of Eid, let us also renew our commitment to compassion, solidarity, and empathy towards all humanity. May this Eid bring us closer together as a global community, united in

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Irish Muslim Peace and Integration Council Condemns Campaign Inciting Hatred

[Dublin, 25 February 2024] – The Irish Muslim Peace and Integration Council (IMPIC) expresses deep concern over the ongoing campaign by a small number of individuals who continue to spread misleading information about Islam and Muslims in Ireland, inciting hatred and division within our society. We are particularly alarmed by the recent attack on our chairperson, Shaykh Dr. Umar Al-Qadri, amidst the current rise of Islamophobic and divisive rhetoric online. Such targeted attacks not only threaten the safety of individuals but also undermine the principles of tolerance and inclusivity that our society stands for. The impact of this divisive rhetoric is evident in the increasing number of angry calls received by the Council on a weekly basis, a trend that was previously unheard of. Most recently, an individual known for previous anti-Muslim comments has tweeted a picture of a sticker posted with the website of our organisation, falsely implying that IMPIC advocates for Shariah Law in Ireland. We strongly condemn this propaganda and wish to clarify that the Irish Muslim Peace and Integration Council has never advocated for Shariah Law

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