Irish Muslim Council

In the Name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful




  1. The Irish Muslim Peace & Integration Council is an accord of the majority of Muslims in the island of Ireland.
  2. The Council is an independent and non-sectarian body working for the pleasure of Allah. It shall be informed and guided by the Qur’an, the Sunnah in all its aims, policies and procedures.
  3. It is a broad-based, representative organisation of Muslims in Ireland working for the common good without interfering in, displacing or isolating any existing Muslim work in the community.
  4. It is a formally constituted body with a system of representation and accountability.


  1. The organisation shall be called the Irish Muslim Peace & Integration Council (IMPIC)


  1. The Council is initiated and founded by Dublin based Muslim cleric and Imam of the Al-Mustafa Islamic Centre,
    Shaykh Umar Al-Qadri. He is also the CEO of IMPIC.


  1. The address of the Council shall be 177 Hazelbury Park, Clonee, Dublin 15


  1. To promote consultation, cooperation, consensus and unity on Muslim affairs in Ireland.
  2. To Work and advocate for a more enlightened appreciation of Islam and Muslims in the wider society.
  3. To promote Peace & Integration in Ireland and to facilitate a positive integration experience for Muslims in Ireland.
  4. To foster better community relations and work for the good of society as a whole.
  5. To act as the representative body for the Muslims of Ireland.
  6. To promote intra and inter-faith dialogues for the promotion of tolerance, acceptance and mutual respect in the society
  7. To promote the true teachings of Islam and to clarify any misconceptions about it.
  8. To promote solidarity and unity among all communities in Ireland.
  9. To prevent extremism and isolation among the Muslim community in Ireland.
  10. To help build bridges between Ireland and the Muslim world.
  11. To advance dialogue between Muslims and governmental bodies and people of other faiths.
  12. To organize and coordinate humanitarian relief efforts in Ireland and abroad.


  1. The membership of the Council is open to all Muslims in Ireland that fulfill the membership requirements as stated in the Council’s by-laws.


  1. The General Assembly (GA) shall consist of members of the Council who have paid their annual fees which is set by the GA.
  2. The General Assembly (GA) shall meet at least twice a year in Dublin. Further meetings may be called upon request made by the Board of Directors.


  1. The Council shall have 5 Trustees appointed by the General Assembly.
  2. All the properties of the Council whatsoever and howsoever shall be vested in the seven Trustees jointly.
  3. The Trustees shall hold office until retirement, death, leaving permanent residence in Ireland or removal from office by a resolution of the General Assembly.


  1. The Board of Directors (BOD) shall consist of the members of the General Assembly who have been elected by the General Assembly for a period of 2 years.
  2. The Board of Directors shall set the overall policies, vision and strategy of the Council.
  3. The BOD shall meet at least once quarterly. Further meetings may be called upon request made by the CEO, or by one-third of the General Assembly members.
  4. A Quorum of 50 % is needed for a BOD meeting to take place. Questions arising at any meeting shall be decided by a majority of votes. Where there is an equality of votes the CEO shall have a second casting vote.
  5. The Board of Directors shall elect the CEO (Ameer).
  6. The BOD shall consist of 7 elected members including the CEO.
  7. The BOD must have at least 2 women board directors for gender balance purposes.
  8. The BOD must always include a qualified Muslim cleric.
  9. The formation of the Board of Directors shall be as follows:
    1. The CEO (Ameer)
    2. The General Secretary
    3. Treasurer
    4. Five Members
  10. A Quorum of 5 members is needed for a BOD meeting to take place.
  11. The BOD shall meet periodically at least four times a year. Questions at any meeting shall be decided by a majority of votes. Where there is an equality of votes the CEO shall have a second casting vote.
  12. The BOD shall have power from time to time to make, alter and repeal all such bye-laws as they deem necessary or expedient or convenient for the proper conduct and management of the Council, provided such bye-laws are within the scope of the policies established.
  13. The BOD shall adopt such means as it deems sufficient to bring to the notice of the General Assembly all such bye-laws, alterations and repeals and all such bye-laws so long as they shall be in force shall be binding upon all Members of the Council provided nevertheless that no bye-laws shall be inconsistent with or shall have effect to repeal anything contained in these articles and that any bye-laws may be set aside by a resolution of the General Assembly.
  14. The BOD may from time to time delegate any of their powers to such sub-committee or sub-committees consisting of one or more Members of the Muslim community and one member of the BOD as they shall think fit to appoint and may recall or revoke any such delegation or appointment. Any sub-committee shall in the exercise of the powers so delegated, conform to any regulations that may be prescribed, by the Central Committee.
  15. The BOD shall cause proper books of accounts to be kept in respect of:
    1. all sums of money received and expended by the Council and the matters in respect of which such receipts and expenditure took place and/
    2. all sales and purchases of goods and services by the Council and/
    3. the assets and liabilities of the Council.
  16. The books of accounts shall be kept at such place or places as the BOD shall think fit and shall always be open to inspection by members of the Council and Trustees and a person having an interest in the funds of the Council. The BOD shall ensure that at all times the accounts and books of the Council shall be open to the inspection of the Members of the Council or persons provided that seven days notice in writing is given to the Central Committee. Annual accounts shall be maintained available for inspection by the Revenue Commissioners when requested.
  17. Once at least in every year the BOD shall lay before the General Assembly an account of income and expenditure for the period since the preceding account. Such information of the accounts will be published and made available to General Assembly at least 7 days prior to the General Assembly meeting. A balance sheet shall be made out to 31st December in every year.



  1. All meetings of the Council shall begin with the recitation of a verse from the Holy Qur’an and end with a short prayer.
  2. No meeting shall entertain any motion that is contrary to the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah.
  3. At any meeting a resolution put to the vote of the meeting shall be decided on the show of hands unless a poll is demanded.
    1.  by the CEO
    2. by at least ten percent of the members present.


  1. The income and property of the Council shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the Council as set forth in this Constitution and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly to the members of the Council. Provided that nothing herein shall prevent the payment, in good faith, of reasonable and proper remuneration to any officer or servant of the Council in return for any services actually rendered to the Council, nor prevent the payment of reasonable and proper rent for premises demised or lent by any member to the Council; but so that no member of CC, GA or a trustee shall be appointed to any salaried office of the Council or any office paid by fees and that no remuneration or other benefit in money or money’s worth shall be given by the Council to any member of the Central Committee, General Assembly or a trustee, except repayment of out-of- pocket expenses .
  2. The Bank Account shall be in the name of the “Irish Muslim Peace & Integration Council”
  3. The funds of the Council shall be derived from donations by members and from any other source provided that they do not contravene the teachings of Islam.


  1. All office bearers and employees of the Council are accountable to the General Assembly.
  2. Disciplinary action may be taken against a member acting contrary to the Shari’ah or malpractising. Discipline may include removal from office.


  1. Any General Assembly Member may propose an amendment to the Constitution.
  2. Notice of the amendment must be accompanied by the proposed version, signed by the proposer and seconder and must be sent to the Secretary of the Board of Directors at least four weeks before the meeting.
  3. The proposed amendment shall be considered at the General Assembly Meeting.
  4. The proposed amendment shall not in any way prejudice the aims and objectives of the Council.
  5. The amendment shall require a 2/3 majority for acceptance.
  6. The Founder Shaykh Umar Al-Qadri must also agree with the amendment


  1. All bye-laws alterations and repeals introduced by the Central Committee must be properly documented in a special bye-law book, clearly stating the purpose and dates on which the bye-law takes effect and ceases.
  2. No bye-law shall be inconsistent with or shall have effect to repeal anything contained in these articles and that any bye-law may be set aside by a Special Resolution of a General Assembly.
  3. All passed bye-laws, alterations or repeals, shall be brought to the notice of the members of the General Assembly and all such bye-laws so long as they shall be in force shall be binding upon all members of the Council.


  1. Should any dispute arise amongst members these should be referred to the Central Secretariat (Board of Directors) and if not resolved there, they shall be referred to a meeting of the General Assembly
  2. The Principles laid down by the Qur’an and the Sunnah shall be those by which all disputes shall be decided.


  1. The Central Secretariat BOD shall have the power to interpret this constitution provided that interpretations are in keeping with the Principles of Islam.

In the Name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful



Rule 1: The Central Secretariat (Board of Directors):

  1. shall consist of members elected from the General Assembly.

Rule 2: Representation on the General Assembly:

  1. The membership of the Muslims on the Council’s General Assembly shall be on the basis of the following criteria:
    Should have paid the annual fees
  2. Should be a Muslim who believes in the Oneness of Almighty Allah and the Finality of the Prophet hood of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace & Blessings be upon Him)
  3. Should attend at least one GM in a year
  4. Should be willing to volunteer for the Council

Rule 3: The Supporters of the Council:

  1. Anyone may become a supporter of the Council irrespective of their faith, race, nationality etc.